The Key to FITNESS

Days and days
Have turned into months
Nearly a year has passed
Taking lives of tons.

2020 is bad
Surely you know that
But one thing this year
Can beat our fear.

COVID-19 can’t attack
Or affect if you be
Healthy, and above all,
Exercise Regularly

Also, we can’t go out
But who’d like their belly largely sprout?
Of course you won’t, nor would I
There is no doubt, no question of ‘Why?’.

So here is an easy
Plus super-healthy task
Do go out but
Don’t forget your mask

Cycle, walk, run
Do anything that’s fun
But please, please, please, do NOT halt
And open your mask; it’ll be a big fault.

But don’t just sit there
Playing games in a phone
Those muscles need some work to do
And so would like your bone

At home too, a lot is tight
You can help others, right?
 That, I promise, will help
You and your parents as well.

So, all in all, not so bad
To live with the instructions I gave
Only remember this, guys: 
“Stay FIT, stay safe.”

                -- Atreyo 😀, 

19th November, 2020


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