The Lost Scouts - Part 5

‘Is someone there!’ said a voice, who probably heard the gate opening.

‘Who’re you?’ asked Mike.

‘I am Pally and here’s my brother Kenton. We escaped the forests some time ago.’ she said as she and a boy came into sight.

‘I think I heard a voice...’ said a man.

Then two more people came into eyesight; the shabby guy who had kidnapped John and the accomplice.

‘Gotta get ready for a fight!’ muttered John.

‘Look, look, who is here... the Kangaroo Scouts and Pally and Kenton!’ said one of the guys.

‘Daddy!’ shouted Pally and she hugged the accomplice.

‘So... you’re mixed up with those kidnappers’ muttered Mike.

‘What kidnappers! Dad and Henry aren’t kidnappers!’ shouted Kenton, enraged. ‘They help people in and out of the woods!’

‘So that’s the cock-and-bull story you fed little Pally?’ asked Emily under her breath.

‘Wait, wait. We aren’t kidnappers. Don’t take up on our appearances either; I know we look evil, but we just sneaked off from Harris and Louis, The Evil Two.’ said the guy whom Kenton mentioned ‘Henry’.

‘Yes... and they were your twins who kidnapped John last time, was it?’ snapped back Edgar.

‘No, of course, it was us, but we were forced to do so, The Evil Two had kidnapped Pally and Kenton. First things first, I am Mr. Chris, and this is my brother, Henry.’ said Mr. Chris.

‘How can we trust you?’ enquired Peter.

‘By reading this letter’ replied Henry coolly. He looked like a teenager. ‘About 15 or 16’ though Susan.

Henry handed them a letter. ‘Signed by both Louis and Harris, the twins.’ said Mr. Chris.


Dear Henry,

          Hello. I am Mr. Louis. I do not think you now about me. I’m writing on behalf of both me and my twin brother, Mr. Harris.


          As you must be aware, your cousins, Pally and Kenton, have been kidnaped. I expect you will be shocked, but we are the kidnapers. We have kidnaped them so that you come over to my house here near the woods. Exact location is mentioned in the paper attached. COME OVER WITH MR. CHRIS, THE DAD IF YOU WANT THEM ALIVE.




Mr. Louis and Mr. Harris,


Then, below it was signed as an exact proof that Henry and Mr. Chris were innocent – The “Evil Twin’s” signature. After they read, Mike said, ‘Explain everything – the plan and all.’

 ‘OK,’ said Henry, ‘Do you see, I here am Pally and Kenton’s cousin and Mr. Chris’s nephew. Mr. Chris is their father. The twin’s plan was to kidnap you and want millions of cash from all of your parents. We have had a close watch on the Scouts coming to trip lately. We found out that all of the teams were brave and bold, but one of the teams had some careless people. They were your team. And the most careless out of all was John.’

John felt very embarrassing but nobody paid him close attention.

‘I, on The Evil Two’s order, of course, had sneaked into John’s bedroom and stuck up the clock nearby the time the station to our woods would come some days later. We stole everyone’s watches and shut off the curtains in case you looked at the station clock when you had left for taking lunch. But, of course, nobody noticed since they were all careless.’ continued Henry. ‘No offence, of course’ he added, not wanting to embarrass the Scouts. ‘We started a forest fire and killed Mr. Smith.’

‘But, if you wanted to kidnap us, why did you nearly burn us?’ asked Susan.

‘Because you were all bold and wise and brave and quick.’ said Henry. ‘Oh yes, and we had secretly sent Pally and Kenton out and asked them to guess the way out of the woods and wait in front of the main gate today afternoon. Nobody realized – The Evil Two did not even know! We sneaked off today to unite Pally and Kenton and you people today midnight – and did.

‘TRAITOR!’  screamed a voice. Everyone looked up.

‘Oh nooo, Harris and Louis! RUN!’ yelled Mr. Chris. They all ran for their lives. They ran up to a town. ‘HELP!’ yelled Mike but there was nobody in the road at the crack of dawn.

‘Wait! Do you have a phone, Henry? There must be network in the town...’ said John.

‘BRILLIANT’ said Henry. He took out his phone, and, without stopping, called the police and said that were being chased by maniacs and gave them the exact location with details like ‘crossing a river’ and ‘crossed the Evermore Supermarket’ now and then. They heard the police saying not to hang up. They were lucky to come in front of the Police Station while running and Henry screamed ‘It’s us!’ on the phone. Of course, the Evil Twin didn’t know the cops were informed. Henry had talked barely in a whisper. Before they could escape, the police caught them. The Scouts and everyone were so exhausted! They all lost consciousness.

The next thing John remembered, he woke up in a hospital bed. He remembered everything. Everyone was awake. His mother and father and sister looked relieved to see John wake up. He looked out the window. It was crowded with the Scouts who had abandoned their trip for The Kangaroo Scout Group.

‘One week bedrest for everyone. Not an unreasonable exchange for $1500 each!’ said a doctor.

‘DOLLAR ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED!’ shouted Emily with glee.

‘Yes. They were maniacs who had killed many, many people.’ said the doctor, smiling sweetly.

The hospital room was filled with many ‘Wow’s and ‘Oh my!’s and ‘Awesome’s and all.

John and the others became richer than ever in their lives because of one trip. A day later the incident reached the newspaper and a week later they were discharged and a month later they received a bravery award and even a year later a misfortune happened: Emily and Edgar left the school, and the scout group. But let’s not talk about that. Not at least on this story!

-- Atreyo πŸ˜€, 

1st January, 2021


  1. So... here is the last part!!

    Not much to say here to be honest!

    But, Happy 2021 πŸ™ƒ

    Share and comment and follow me please I am telling this to you for seven months πŸ˜•

    Thank you.

  2. Great work dear! Keep it up��
    Loads of love and blessings ��

  3. Nice read! Carry on writing...all the bestπŸ‘

  4. Nice read! Carry on writing...all the bestπŸ‘


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